We’re so pleased to be coming to your school with Down To Earth, which tells the story of Janet, the astronaut. We’ve been finding ways of responding creatively to the current restrictions. So, for those of you that have seen a Theatre Alibi show before, you can imagine, this one looks a little different! And this year we’re asking teachers to help us introduce the story.
Here’s how it works.
Step One: The Animation – The Story begins…
The story begins with a beautiful animation, which you should show the children in your class a day or so before Janet arrives at your school – the closer to her arrival the better. It would be great if you could let your class know that Theatre Alibi will be coming to the school and that this year what we’re doing is rather different and very special and it begins with this little film. Do have a watch. It’s around 4 minutes long. The children may enjoy seeing it more than once. It may be interesting to ask them why they think Janet wants to leave the space station and where they think she might land….
Enter the password JANET to watch the beginning of the story with your class. If you want to download the film enter the password, hover your cursor over the clip and click ‘vimeo’ on the bottom right hand side. Then scroll down and click ‘download’ below the video.
Step Two: The Wave By
This happens the day we arrive at your school.
Having landed nearby, Janet will be led around the outside of your school (if your buildings allow it) by your Lead Teacher, so that the children can see her from their class window and she can see them and give them a wave. Your Lead Teacher will let you know exactly what time they’ll be passing by. Could you keep an eye out for Janet, the astronaut (she’ll be in full garb!) and allow your class to enjoy the surprise appearance?
Step THREE: Meeting Janet
Janet will come and tell your class her extraordinary story. Your Lead Teacher will let you know the place and time – it may be in your classroom or the hall. Janet will bring her own stool. Please have the children ready for her arrival. They will need to be sat at least 3 metres away from where Janet will place her stool. The children can sit on the floor or on chairs, or at desks – whichever you prefer. When the children are ready, please come and fetch Janet from her waiting area (your Lead Teacher will let you know where that is) Janet will be with your class for about half an hour.
Step FOUR: Waving goodbye
When Janet has told her story to all the children, she’ll walk around the school to say goodbye to each class. Your Lead Teacher will let you know when to look out for her.
Step FIVE: A final animation
When Janet has left, we have one final part of the story for you to play to your class which tells the end of Janet’s story!
Enter the password JANET to watch the end of the story with your class. If you want to download the film enter the password, hover your cursor over the clip and click ‘vimeo’ on the bottom right hand side. Then scroll down and click ‘download’ below the video.
We really hope you and your class enjoy meeting Janet and hearing her story. We’ve created a Teacher’s Resource Pack to accompany the project, which is packed full of ideas to help you prepare for and follow up on our visit.