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Environment and Sustainability

Environmental sustainability has always been something that Theatre Alibi has cared deeply about, and in 2021, as it started to come to the foreground in discussions within the theatre industry, we began to think about what more we could be doing, where our responsibilities lay, and what that meant for our future productions.

We have been working with the Theatre Green Book, a fantastic initiative for the theatre industry that sets standards for making productions sustainably; for making theatre buildings sustainable; and for improving aspects like catering and front of house.

In 2022 Theatre Alibi were proud to be part of a Case Study: ‘Transitioning to Sustainable Production across the UK Theatre Sector’, written by Siobhan Bauer and Roberta Mock (Royal Holloway, University of London). The project followed three companies trialling the Theatre Green Book; The National Theatre of Scotland, The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), and ourselves. Here you can download the outcomes of trial and read about what we learnt on our journey to making more environmentally sustainable work.

Theatre Alibi Green Book Case Study

If you want to talk to us about our Green Book journey, or anything linked to environmental sustainability in the theatre sector please feel free to get in touch with Rachael Duthie, rachael@theatrealibi.co.uk. We’d love to talk to you!