Conceived, written and performed by Fehinti Balogun
Why don’t we talk about it? Fehinti Balogun asks this urgent question and offers an invitation in Can I Live?, a vital new digital performance about the climate catastrophe, sharing his personal journey into the biggest challenge of our times. Weaving his story with spoken word, rap, theatre, animation and the scientific facts, Fehinti charts a course through the fundamental issues underpinning the emergency, identifying the intimate relationship between the environmental crisis & the global struggle for social justice, and sharing how, as a young Black British man, he has found his place in the climate movement.
In the face of a sense of helplessness about the climate catastrophe, Can I Live? is an outstretched hand, inviting audiences to recognise they are not alone – and that through understanding the issues and connecting with the many powerful activists around the globe driving change, we can find a sense of hope for the future.
A Complicité production in association with the Barbican, London, supported by Doc Society and Oxford Playhouse. Supported by Arts Council England and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Running Time: 60 mins | Suitable for ages 12+
Content information: contains some flashing images, some strong language, explores themes of racism, classism and describes some violence.
Captions and Audio Description (by VocalEyes) available.
Dates and Times
10th February 10.30am – Babes in Arms Screening with crafting and conversations after as a chance to reflect with other parents.
26th February 7pm – Parent and Teen screening followed by a facilitated audience discussion.
28th February 7pm – Public film screening followed by a panel discussion.
There will be a special screening for school groups on the 27th of February. For further information or to book onto the event, please contact
Please note, there is no parking at Alibi. The closest public car park is on Okehampton Street 0.4 miles away. If you have access requirements please email and we will be able to reserve you a space.