Claire Tonti and Lizzy Humber present:
Speakers * Performance * Workshops * Community
A space to explore the metamorphosis of m/otherhood
“During pregnancy, childbirth and early motherhood, women undergo a far-reaching physiological, psychological and social metamorphosis. There is no other time in a human’s life course that entails such dramatic change, other than adolescence. And yet this life-altering transition has been sorely neglected by science, medicine and philosophy. Its seismic effects go largely unrepresented across literature and the arts. Speaking about motherhood as anything other than a pastel-hued dream remains, for the most part taboo” Extract from Matrescence, Lucy Jones
Join Claire Tonti and Lizzy Humber for Matrescence Festival. Over two days we will weave together a composition of expert speakers, vibrant discussion, deep feeling poetry and songs, art making, workshops, singing with lots of breaks and good food. This event is open to anyone interested in learning more about matrescence. This is space for village thinking, support and creativity, where children are welcome too.
Speakers: Lucy Jones (Author of Matrescence On the Metamorphosis of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Motherhood) Sonah Paton (Co-Founder Black Mothers Matter) Dr Pragya Agarwal (Author of(M)otherhood: On the choices of being a woman), Amy Taylor-Kabbaz (Author of Mama Rising and Matrescence Activist).Poetry from: Liz Berry, Helen Sheppard, Lily Redwood and Kate-Massey Chase. Music from: Claire Tonti and Holly Ebony. Creative Workshops with: Liz Berry, Amy Taylor-Kabbaz, Lily Redwood, Birth Project, Scotty Gillespie, Exe Movement.
Full timetable released in May.
For more info click here.
21 & 22 June 2024
Theatre Alibi, Emmanuel Hall