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Winter Warmer Cafés

By Alibi

Come and get cosy in our warm space with a hot drink and sweet treat. Whilst you enjoy your beverage and a sit down, your little one can run free at our open play session, with lots of toys to choose from.

If you don’t fancy buying anything from the Café you’re still more than welcome to pop in.

Café days are paired with exciting events taking place in the building:

Café Dates & Times

4th February Café – 9.30am – 1pm – St Thomas Library will be running their legendary Bounce and Rhyme Sessions at 10am and 11.30am.

15th February Café – 10am – 4pm – Exeter Science Centre will be in the building with their interactive experience ‘Our World From Space’. 

19th February Café – 1.30pm – 5pm – Join Zero Mile Garden for their drop in sessions: Bird feeder building and plant sowing.

20th February Café – 1.30pm – 5pm – Join Zero Mile Garden for their drop in sessions: Bird feeder building and plant sowing.

All events are free to attend!


Supported by Exeter City Council

Tour Dates

Tour dates coming soon... keep an eye on this page for details!