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You Can’t Catch Me

By Based on the Poems by Michael Rosen. Adapted by Daniel Jamieson

You Can’t Catch Me is about the hair-raising adventure of growing up, of making go-karts and crashing go-karts, eating a whole chocolate cake in the dead of night….and what happens when you cross “The Line” in the playground and get into REALLY BIG TROUBLE!.

Based on Michael Rosen’s fantastic, funny poems, You Can’t Catch Me shows how big, wonderful, weird and scary the world can be when you’re four feet high.

Publicity Image

Photos by Tim Cuff

Tour Dates

Tour dates coming soon... keep an eye on this page for details!


Cast: Daniel Jamieson, Steve Bennett / Tim Machin, Leonie Dodd, Derek Frood / Craig Edwards
Musician: Sarah Balls

Writer: Michael Rosen
Adaptor: Daniel Jamieson
Director: Henry Hawkes
Designer: Jenny Saunt
Composer & Musical Director: Ian Wellens

An effervescent hour bubbling with dramatic delight
The Stage
A totally enchanting evocation of childhood, as hugely entertaining as it is hilarious
The Cornishman
The show was WONDERFUL – a fantastic treat for pupils and teachers!
Braunton Caen Primary

Adaptor's Note

You Can’t Catch Me is full of poems by a man called Michael Rosen. These poems are all about how weird and wonderful being a child can be. How does he know? He remembers like an elephant. He remembers exactly what it felt like to be a child. He tells stories about what happened to him when he was growing up in London in the 1950s – stories about his family, his mates, his adventures. In those days children were left to do their own thing. They got up to all sorts…

Daniel Jamieson