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Stand Up! (And Boogie) – Steps For Teachers

We’re so pleased to be coming to your school with Stand Up! (and Boogie). We’ve been finding ways of responding creatively to the current restrictions. So, for those of you that have only seen a Theatre Alibi show pre-pandemic, this one will look a little different!


An Ofsted Inspector and a cleaner will visit your classroom. The Inspector will settle down to observe the class and the cleaner will quietly get on with some chores. This is where we need your help. Please keep the fact that these are Theatre Alibi performers a secret!
Continue your lesson, by telling the class that you have a short film that you would like them to watch with you, called ‘The Gull and the Mountain’ (see below for download instructions). Tell the class that it is about a very special journey. And perhaps ask them to think about how the film makes them feel.
The Ofsted Inspector and the cleaner will gradually come out of their shells as the film comes to a close. It would be wonderful if you could pretend that you are as surprised as the children as the pair begin to dance, play music, tell their stories and transform in front of your eyes!

The performers will be in your class for about 40 minutes


‘The Gull and the Mountain’, which begins the performance is a beautiful animation, which needs to be downloaded (but not shown) prior to our visit.


YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE ANIMATION BY CLICKING HERE On the top right hand side you will see the download icon. We strongly advise you to download the video instead of streaming to reduce playback problems (for example, freezing and video buffering). Please check that the film will play in your classroom and that the children will be able hear the sound too. If you are having issues accessing the video, ring us on 01392 217315.


• Please ensure that there is a 3M x 3M clear space at the front of the classroom, where the main performance will take place.
• Please have 2 adult size chairs available in the classroom – One at the side or back of the room for the Inspector to sit on to observe the class and one at the front of the room in the performance space.
• Please ensure there is at least 1M of clear space between the 2 chairs and the children (for COVID safety)


At the agreed time, please come and fetch the performers from the waiting area (your Lead Teacher will let you know where that is).


THE FILM SHOULD BE PLAYED WHEN BOTH PERFORMERS HAVE ARRIVED IN YOUR CLASSROOM (THE OFSTED INSPECTOR WILL ARRIVE FIRST, FOLLOWED BY THE CLEANER A MINUTE OR SO LATER). It would be great if you could have something for the class to get on with before they sit and watch the animation. Perhaps you could be settling the children down and re-arranging the class ready for the film.

Teacher Resource Pack:

We’ve created a pack, which is full of ideas to help you prepare for and follow up on our visit.

Click Here

STand up! (and Boogie) Programme:

Stand Up! (And Boogie) Programme